Administrative Assistant – 1 POST

To provide secretarial and administrative support to Directors in order to ensure efficient and effective operations of the Division.

Under the direct supervision of the Director of the Division and overall supervision of the Director of Human Resources and Administration, you will provide the following secretarial services:-

(i) Assist the Director of Division in the day-to-day Administration of the Division by:-
(a) Maintaining records of leave, attendance, inventory, meetings etc.;
(b) Ensuring that the documents of the Division are free from errors of grammar, typing etc. and physically attractive in their presentation and binding;
(c) Distributing work to the secretaries and other support staff within the Division;
(d) Typing correspondence and documents; and
(e) Briefing the Director of Division and reporting for any discrepancies, which may require his/her attention.

(ii) Carry out logistical functions by:-
(a) Ensuring the supply of stationery and office requirements such as pens, pencils, staples, punchers etc;
(b) Ensuring office furniture and equipment are available, functional and appropriate;
(c) Ensuring that the offices, windows, Doors, walls arid corridors are cleaned and are in such state as to allow the Proper circulation of air;
(d) Ordering the repair of computers, furniture and equipment when necessary;
(e) Providing rooms or space for heavy equipment such as photocopies; and
(f) Assisting the Director of Division in allocating offices.

(iii) Make arrangements for meetings organized by the Division by:-
(a) Booking the necessary conference facilities well in advance;
(b) Checking from time that such booking remains valid until the meeting is held;
(c) Liaising with the Conference Service of COMESA to ensure that the facilities are adequately and properly equipped;
(d) Moving equipment to and from the place of conference when necessary;
(e) Providing or ensuring the provision of support staff to meeting;
(f) Supervising such staff during the meeting; and
(g) Briefing the Chief of Division and drawing his attention to any problem(s) which may require his intervention.
(iv) Make travel arrangements for the professional staff of the Division and participants of meetings by:-
(a) Contacting airlines, bus or train stations to find out flight, bus or train schedules and work out a proper itinerary in co-operation with the traveler;
(b) Working out the cost of travel;
(c) Checking the availability and balance of funds and advising the Chief of Division accordingly;
(d) Ensuring that travel is made by direct and least economical route taking account of individual entitlements under the applicable rules;
(e) Preparing and seeing through the finalization of the travel authorization form; and
(f) Maintaining up to date records.
(v) Perform other functions as may be required by your supervisors from time to time.

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